2aid.org ist eine Social Media Non-Profit-Organisation mit dem Ziel: Möglichst vielen Menschen den Zugang zu sauberem Wasser zu ermöglichen. Gemeinsam können wir helfen. 100% der Spenden gehen dire
Ekjaa is a persian word which means Unanimous. Ekjaa is the first organization in the world in the social sector to provide a ‘donate and lend’ model all on one platform in the social sector. We
Generosity is a community for showing and sharing compassion through socially conscious fundraising. Generosity helps cancer patients with bills and students with tuition. Generosity boosts humanitari
Get It Done is an online crowdfunding platform for small human-needs development projects all over the world. Get It Done makes it easy for people to make a positive change in the lives of others by p
UpEffect is a rewards-based crowdfunding and support platform for mission-driven companies prioritising purpose and profit to tackle humanity's greatest challenges.
Upstart lets you raise money in exchange for a small share of your income for 10 years. It's an investment in you, not your idea or your business.
WeTradeNet, in short WTN sets one step higher in the crowdfunding universe. “Transparency”, real project and highly secured” are the basic words that describes the integrity of WeTradeNet.